Waking up to this, begging for her breakfast:

Climbing back into bed with my coffee and this curling up with me as I "woke" up:

Unexpected drives north to get me a cuppa this:

Reading things like this:

Most of all though, I'm going to miss this:

1. Bare feet. Shoes are required as a teacher, but I firmly have an aversion to them. I'm much happier bare foot...but, rules are rules...so, bye-bye bare toes...
2. Blue jeans. Those are not-permitted; something about them being too "casual" for a classroom. Whatever. I'm gonna wear these until the very...last...second...
3. Also, please note that this picture was taken in my classroom (note the industrial-strength, stinkin' ugly carpet). There might, just might be a tiny piece of me that feels like thumbing her nose at the "man" until school starts...
(If you happen to be one of my superiors and reading this, I promise to wear the requisite footwear and adhere to the dress code...really...please let me keep my job!)
I think I'm going to go find my inner-five-year-old some ice cream to make her feel better now.
Yeah, I've definitely been known to slip off my shoes and teach barefoot in the classroom. We're not supposed to do that? Whoops...
fashion show for the powers that be....just saying!!
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