...I'm tired.
The other day, I was digging through an old notebook. I'm not sure what I was looking for, to be honest, but I turned the page and found this written, in my handwriting, so I know I wrote it:

Been trying to remember to do that...
“No,” she answered. “No, you don’t.”
He hunched down to look her fully in the face, and stared, trying to get past the barrier of friendly-polite-yet-aloofness. His eyes were still the bright blue; the twinkle not diminished by time. The crinkles along the sides of those eyes and the gray just starting to show at his temples? Those were new.
She did know him. From before…just before.“Yes, I do,” he smiled. “You’ve been gone a long time, but you’re back now.”
“I guess I am,” she acquiesced. Smiling slightly.
“Same old gal, huh?”
“No,” she spoke the words slowly and carefully to make her point. “Not at all. I’m stronger. Better.”